- First and foremost I am thankful for my family. MY family made up of me and my six boys in the house (husbands, three boys and two boy dogs that I am unsure about on most days!). Yes I am outnumbered but I wouldn't have it any other way! I get to be the Alpha Female!! lol I also love my big, huge, sarcastic yet hilarious, perverted, bullheaded, loud, outgoing, playful, out-spoken, supportive, helpful, full of good cooks ~ beautiful family including my parents, Grandma, brothers, sister, their spouses, 3 nieces, 5 nephews, 2 new foster nephews, aunts, uncles and countless cousins! No we aren't the Ingalls or the Waltons but we love each other regardless. Some are easier to love than others (me~lol) and yes there are many times when we disagree but we still love each other and have a good time when we are together. Well at least I know I do!!
- I am thankful for a forgiving God because he knows I am not perfect and he loves me just the same.
- I am thankful the election is finally over and that is all I will say about that!
- I am thankful I am raising my kids in a time when their race is far more accepted than days past.
- I am thankful for my husband who knows me in and out with all (I mean one or two!) my flaws and loves me for who I really am! He changed my life for the better and I am truly thankful for each and every day we get to make each other smile. We are too funny! lol
- I am thankful Benjamin Franklin did not succeed in making the Wild Turkey the National bird b/c then I know I would not be able to eat turkey and I love turkey OH SO much!!
- I am thankful for my friends. My true friends! The ones who laugh at my jokes, respect my honest opinion even when they don't want to hear it, listen to my problems even when they are in a crisis and my problem may be tiny at the time but they care enough to listen, understand the concept of GIVE AND TAKE, give me an honest opinion even when I don't want it, love and respect me and my relationship with my husband and the ones who know me probably WAY too well but stick around for the long haul anyway!!
- I am thankful for my children that the doctors said I would never have! Guess all that schooling doesn't make you an expert!!
- I am thankful for pecan pie, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, chocolate layer dessert, Kristin making some sinfully delish oatmeal/pnut butter/chocolate chip cookies, rolls, pasta salad, the inventor of Snickers salad and last but not least Turkey and the tryptophan it supplies to put me fast asleep when I am done with this list!
- Last but not least I am thankful my three year old is finally asleep and I can crash for a few hours before BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING ON MY BIRTHDAY!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A little while later I also took the call with my Grandma frantically on the other end, crying while repeating "Grandpa is gone! Grandpa is gone! Oh sweet baby girl we need help! Grandpa is gone!"
Confused I kept saying, "Well where could he possibly have gone I thought you two were on your way here! What do you mean he is gone? Are you OK?"
"He's gone baby girl! He's gone Angie!" was all she could say while crying hysterically.
"Grandma you aren't making much sense. Did he not tell you where he was going? I'll just call his cell phone, he'll answer!" I don't know if I was just that clueless or just couldn't accept the fact that deep down I knew what she meant.
"He's dead baby girl! I NEED HELP!" At this point I lost it and a lot of the next hour is pretty much a blur. I remember calling my Dad to the office phone immediately, crying and praying she was wrong. I barely remember the calls I made or helping to make arrangements so my Grandma could get picked up somewhere in Vinita. My Grandma had noticed Papa acting a little strange then he made a noise and the car veered into oncoming traffic. Grandma was able to climb over, steer the car off the road and get to the brakes before the car crashed into other holiday travelers. He died while driving which is when he was the happiest. I miss him so! I was very close to my Grandparents well I am still close to my Grandmother! I had a good childhood but I was sort of "left behind" and a very small shadow to my sister's existence once our brothers were gone. My Grandparents took over spoiling me where my parents left off and I was the baby girl they never had or so they would always tell me since they had FIVE boys. Our love went BOTH ways!! I cherished them for showing me unconditional love, for telling me I was beautiful when I felt so ugly next to my sister and for telling me I wasn't fat and giving me some more homemade cake. I still laugh when I think about my summer vacations to their house. I remember picking blackberries by the old railroad tracks and being pampered because the chiggers ate me alive and left my feet so swollen that I couldn't even wear shoes. We would play board games, card games, do crossword puzzles and watch Wheel of Fortune then crawl into bed with them in the wee hours of the morning. I would help out with the animals and ride around with Grandpa on his golf cart just waiting for my next chance to drive!! I called them just to talk and let them know I would never forget. I remember the day I had Elijah they made a special trip that morning so they could be here for his birth. That meant more to me than they will ever know. I remember them trying to convince us to have an impromptu wedding the weekend my sister and cousin got married and my Grandpa offering to pay for it all if we did, but alas we wanted our OWN moment. I will never forget the moments Elijah shared with him. Apparently my Grandpa had a little racism left in him from his era BUT I NEVER KNEW THIS ABOUT HIM UNTIL AFTER HE DIED when my Grandma told me how much he loved Elijah and he said, "Elijah James (named after my Grandpa) is a very special little boy. HE taught me what TRUE unconditional love really means! He is indeed a very special little boy!" My Grandpa had used a cane since I was little and Elijah like many other kids was scared to death of it. In fact he was so scared that we could use it as a baby gate!! We would put the cane down in a doorway we didn't want him to pass and he would NOT go over that cane! My Grandpa thought it was funny but at the same time he felt bad so he made Elijah his very own cane. He took one of his canes, shortened it and they were buddies. Elijah used that cane forever and even now if him or Isaiah get hurt they pull out the cane to help them walk. Incidentally Moose tried to eat the cane and my sentimental self wanted to beat him with it, but of course, his stupid, stubborn, always chewing something self did not have a clue and looked at me as if to say, "What did I do?" The last pictures taken of Grandpa are from our wedding. I am so happy he was alive for my wedding but sad each time I look at the pictures and remember that was the last time I ever saw him. I have probably never looked better than I did that day and that was the last day I saw him! It is weird to me that only 5 years later on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving just 2 days before my birthday that the Nov. 26th again lands on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I will never forget that day. I will never forget that we left the day before the funeral, later than everyone because we had to wait on their van to be fixed to drive it back to Missouri. Yes that is right I had to ride in the car that my Grandpa had died in days before and I was an emotional wreck the entire drive. I will never forget the feeling as I opened the side door to put my bags in the van and there sat his cane collection never to be needed again! I know you all have heard the song "I Can Only Imagine" and I cannot listen to that without crying because I just imagine Grandpa dancing around WITHOUT HIS CANE and forever being free of the "weak" stigma HE thought the cane brought. It is hard for me to talk about him without getting upset and others aren't necessarily like that about him b/c he wasn't the best at showing emotions and letting people he loved know how much he loved. I say to each his own ~ I loved him and I let him know just like he did for me and I will always cherish our relationship!! Sadly I have no digital pics of Grandpa and the scanner is screwed up so I decided to I will share a few of scrapbook pages I have of him later this evening. I think the thing that speaks so much of him is that Elijah remembers him. Elijah was only 22months old when his Great Grandpa James Bryan or as Elijah said "Papa Cane" went to Heaven but he KNEW him, he LOVED him and still talks about him or asks me to tell him stories from "Papa Cane's" younger days and I am always HAPPY to oblige. Elijah was glad that Papa was already in Heaven so Daisy would have someone to love, cuddle and play with her. We miss you Grandpa and we will NEVER forget!! Love your baby girl!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Here is the news we got:
- surgery went great
- he was sleeping in recovery
- his adenoids were gone but his tonsils were huge and pushing into all kinds of other areas? (didn't ask!)
- His tonsils were really big and nasty with gunk stuck into little crevices
- He actually had pockets of ROTTEN FOOD embedded in his tonsils, This could explain the horrid breath of a small forest creature devouring spoiled food! Yes I gagged in disbelief at this news! I did NOT know this was even possible and that is beyond disgusting!!!
- He replaced the tubes but had to recreate another hole in the right ear because he had a large hole in the ear drum that had to be patched.
- They will be watching this hole/patch to make sure it heals properly b/c it may need more repairing when he is older!
- He wants to retest his hearing once the patch has been on for a few weeks
Back to recovery for our angry groggy little bear to flip out until he truly awakens!! Not a happy camper! He does not like the hospital!! He only wants an orange popsicle and all they have is blue! He does not like their apple juice ~ explaining it is nasty! (Good thing I brought along our own!) Totally despised the IV in the hand and would NOT calm down until it was out! Flipped out because he did not like the band aid they placed on his hand upon removing the IV! His mouth hurt, he wanted his tonsils back and he wanted to go HOME! He wanted to wear his own pjs and not their gown! He wanted to wear his OWN socks instead of the slipper socks they gave him!
The humorous side of the recovery room was this: Isaiah had taken his "Little Bill" doll into surgery with him. You know Little Bill (Cosby) the cartoon character who wears the same shirt daily with a giant B on it. The Doctor says, "Oh look a little Barack Obama doll!" The nurses responded while laughing, "No Doc I think that is Little Bill!" Seriously a Barack Obama doll?! That would be weird!
We got back home at 10:45am. They had said to try to give him anything soft that he might actually eat then give him his pain medicine around noon. They also explained that the majority of kids WON'T eat a thing but he absolutely has to stay hydrated so as long as he is drinking he will be fine. So the plan was to come home, attempt to feed the boy, give him the pain meds and then take a forever long nap with him!
Plan not working out so well for me! It is now 1:15pm and the only sleep he has done since waking up from surgery is about 10 minutes during the car ride home. He came home ate a snack pack of applesauce and an orange popsicle. He then watched cartoons with Daddy until he could take the medicine at 12pm. I gave him the medicine at 11:50pm and little soldier boy is now talking on the phone to Chai while playing with cars and he just finished his purple popsicle!! He is now crying b/c he just RAN in here to get his shoes so he can go outside which is not allowed right now! Calgon take me away! I pray the rest of his recovery is this easy but I've heard the first day is the easiest and around the fifth day is the worst!! You will hear about it if he coughs up some big 'ol nasty smelling scab ~ trust me! *gagging....* Dear Lord make his recovery a speedy and pain free one.....pretty pretty please!

Time again for Not me! Monday and I have been away from blogger for a couple of weeks so here I am world take me as I am or am NOT!!
So just a few moments ago I certainly did NOT almost pee my pants when I noticed MckMama had already posted her Not me! Monday post and I actually have a chance to be in the top ten!! Holy crap! Yes for those of you who didn't know this God made crap! MckNugget just likes to play with it or even search for it I guess! Sorry just had to add that! Right there with you MckMama ~ Zay most certainly did NOT pull down his pants once and just poop in his closet!! Seriously though I definitely did NOT ever think I would even have a chance for the top 50 so this is huge or NOT huge for those of you who don't really care!!
I did NOT go to the doctor and secretly wish I had the ability to hack up a big loogie and spit on him when he said, "Wow you definitely got something going on in your nose it is disgusting!" as he shoved instruments in my mouth, up my nose and in my ear. Definitely NOT b/c that would be disgusting! Isn't that the entire reason I went to the doctor b/c my nose was disgusting ~ I did NOT need him to tell me that ~ just fix it!
I did NOT cut Zay's hair tonight and cut my finger open b/c I am a pro, right! I then did NOT laugh hysterically as my son cried in despair thinking I had cut his ear off after my countless warnings to sit still and the sight of blood running down his ear and my hand. Nope b/c that would NOT be sympathetic to his 3yr old fears!
I have NOT been driving around in my still shoe polished car three weeks after my son's football championship game. Nope NOT me! I love to wash my car! NOT!
I was NOT deleting old text messages from my phone when I did NOT laugh out loud literally reading a text that said, "When Elijah plays for the Dallas Cowboys are you gonna shoe polish your car?" I did laugh at the response I currently thought of ~ "NO I will have hired help to shoe polish the car and my driver hired by my son can wash it off himself three weeks later!!" I will admit I still do NOT have a clue about football other than I love to watch him play and if HE wants to pursue it as a career in the NFL I will NOT turn down gifts like large homes and cars with drivers!!
I did NOT want to yell out "Are you kidding me??!" when the doctors decided Zay's surgery couldn't wait until Dec 9th because his throat is closing faster than originally thought but told me to watch him while sleeping over the next WEEK!! Sleep ~ what's that!! I'll never sleep now until the surgery is over tomorrow!! I will NOT! His throat is closing faster but hey let's still wait a week! Let's NOT and just say we did!!
I am definitely NOT in any way shape or form awake AND blogging at 1:19am to be in the top ten or even twenty when I have to be up at 5:30am to have my son to the hospital and I am NOT about to go check on him for the 50th time in the past 4 hours! NOT neurotic at all I tell you!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Really life has just been crazy! The boys won the INFC Championship so football is over for now; however, with the end of football came the beginning of basketball. We are coaching this year and I am not quite sure how much that excites me. Actually I should say Martez is coaching since I was able to eeekkkk my way out when Bryan, one of asst. football coaches, volunteered to help with basketball. Woohoo!! So now I guess I am team Mom and been emailing team info, changing around practice days, ordering uniforms, coming up with team shirts.............aaaahhhhh the list could go on and on. I love basketball though so I can't wait!! Luckily we were able to get 6 of the football players onto our team of 8 so the boys can be together and have fun with their friends. This is also GREAT for me since I know the other Moms and they are helpful, funny and sarcastic just like moi!! But now I am so behind on blogging and oh how I have missed it. Make NO mistake about it I have not missed a day of actually reading all my favorite blogs only writing and I feel like I haven't written in months. Here I am folks expect many blogs in the next few days cause YA'LL (okie term) have a lot of catching up to do!!! Enjoy or rip your own hair out trying to keep up!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I know this picture is blurry but I love it anyway!
This year Isaiah went trick-or-treating for the first time! Last year he was sick on that night. The year before too cold and small for him to really participate. Yippee! So his older brother teaches him the whole "trick-or-treat" saying which in my mind was to teach him to say "trick-or-treat". Nope I was wrong! They taught him the WHOLE little slogan!