Thursday, October 29, 2009


Angela's Adventures

Time for Friday High Five!

Come join in the fun....please!Make a list of 5 things ~ ANY five things you want! 5 favorite things, Top 5 Vacation spots, 5 most embarrassing moments, 5 favorite pics, 5 reasons to not pick your nose......A LIST OF ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE....funny, serious, sentimental, to dos, pictures, no pictures ~ anything!

To see my Friday High Five posts for examples, click here!

Post about it, linking back to me (now you can copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this post for a button!) then sign Mr. Linky! Please use the Friday High Five URL post in Mr. Linky's URL section instead of your blog URL and here is how: write the post, publish the post, go to edit posts, VIEW the High Five post, copy the URL in the address portion at the top of the screen then paste it in the URL section of Mr.Linky!!

Sounds complicated but it isn't too bad!

If you need help, let me know in the comment section!

Go view all the other High Five posts and comment away!

Have fun!

5 things I love to hate about Facebook

5.  The addiction!  I love to know what is going on unless you are one of those that let's me know each time you wipe your butt.  If you are this person, then please seek professional help for your addiction and diarrhea of the mouth.

4.  I get to communicate with out of town family on a regular basis and am somewhat clued in to their life.  I also like catching up with true friends from high school that I haven't seen in ages.  I can't believe I graduated 15 yrs ago....just saying that makes me feel old!

3.  I hate the people that just want more friends!  I went to a large high school, in fact, I believe it is the largest in our state.  I could be wrong so don't quote me.  College was not a big adjustment for me when it came to size....alcohol and freedom maybe but not size.  My college actually seemed smaller than my high school.  That said I don't know everyone I graduated with by any means.  I get friend requests from people that I graduated with but never even knew.  Seriously, half the time I don't even recognize their name.  I "ignore" their friend request only to get repeated requests.  I say to the monitor, "I don't know you!" then respectly "ignore" them again.  A few people have sent me countless requests and I am beginning to believe they are just trying to "up" their friends numbers.  Ugh!  Stop don't know me and I don't know you besides chances are we will never speak because we don't know each other except for the fact that I know when you wipe!  Funny to me though really since I love talking to my bloggy friends and we have never met.  I feel though that they know me well enough through my long winded posts to chat with me!!

2.  I love getting feedback from my stupid interest lacking status reports.  Ex:  my current status is......"Angela is just statusless!"  Intriguing I know but you gotta love the feedback!!

2.  We are going to add a second number two because I actually have another "hate" but we'll pretend I didn't realize it so my high five isn't a six!  Don't want to break my rules!  Wait High Five doesn't have rules.  Babble babble!  Did that make sense to anyone besides me?  Ok where was I.........I hate the people that do every single facebook game, quiz and app!  I don't want my "feed" filled with your invites to two million different apps.  Get off the computer or at least get off of facebook and join.....hmm......blogger.  Since it is a far more acceptable addiction at least in my mind.  I went through a phase where I did a bunch of quizzes BUT that was a war between a couple of friends and a cousin of mine.  You know like somehow some made up quiz actually makes us smarter than one another when we get a higher score!!  That ended quickly when I discovered I might be an idiot proved my genius!

My all time favorite thing about facebook is....
seeing the changes in peoples' lives ~ the good, the bad and the ugly.  There is the jock who you eyed all through school.  You know the one who would only give the cheerleaders the time of day.  I love to see the jock is now fat and married to some "not so hot" girl!  I won't lie it brings me joy!  Sick I know but true!  It also makes me a little happy to know they finally realized true beauty is on the inside.  I also like seeing the jock that still has it goin' on!  You know you do too....well maybe not you Dan!  I also like to see the diva from high school is fatter than me and now they understand the "big girls".  This might be just a "big girl" action!  Vain I know but true!  You all know you do the same thing! I love seeing school friends with lives similar to mine or different from mine.  I love seeing their children and wonder if they too will be friends in school.  I hate the "frenemies" that all of the sudden want to be your "friend".  I believe they are just trying to snoop into my life soooooo......I snoop myself FIRST.  Boo yeah, gotcha!  I confirm their friend request snoop around then delete them before they realize I even confirmed in the first place.  You all know you do it too!  Welllll......I hope so or I sound truly psychotic.  If you don't, then let's pretend I didn't say that and move on!

Angela's Adventures


Isaiah has been able to dress himself for quite awhile but sometime ago he decided to pick out his own outfit! 

He came out and said, "Look at me, Mommy!  I picked out my own clothes!"

He must have seen by the look on my face that I was about to say the outfit did not match because then he promptly added, "See it matches...." while pointing out the blue and orange in both articles.  Of course, I had to tell him how proud I was and tried my hardest not to laugh.

He had a blue, orange and white striped buttoned down shirt with his floral print swim trunks in colors of blue, orange, white, yellow, red and green. The shirt was buttoned wrong.  The sleeves were too short and the pockets of the swim trunks were hanging out 
do you think it stopped him from rocking this outfit and doing some model poses for the cam.....


His serious cover pose!

About to own the catwalk!

Do you also think it stopped him from playing outside in the blessed ensemble?

If you think so, then you do not know this boy!!

Cheaper Than Therapy

Friday, October 23, 2009


PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Kelli
Last week the kids were out of school for three days.  Besides pumpkin painting....that's a whole other story.....we went to the zoo with my friend Tammy and her son John plus I also took Avani and Addison along. 

Am I crazy?

I believe so after this!

Of course, I took plenty pictures of animals but I got some really good kid shots then I played on Picnik so that is what you are going to get!! 




Except for this cute little guy....
I didn't play with this picture but I like this picture because he kept checking me out through the corner of his eye as if to say, "Are you lookin' at me?"




Our usual "Monkey see, monkey do!" picture at the zoo.  I don't know why I always take so many of these or why I love them so but I just do!

Sweet little Addison!  I love this picture!  It appears that she is looking at something but I think she was getting bored since we stayed by the otters for awhile!  Then after I shot this she did......

What a beautiful two teeth smile!!
I swear her eyes just light up!

Then came the funniest part of the day. 
The kids were looking through the children's petting zoo when Tammy and I said, "Oh kids look over here!  You will have to look really hard for this one!"  They looked, searched and pointed out non-existent animals when they asked what exactly they were looking for to which John reads the sign beside them, "It is a temporarily vacant!"  They didn't have a clue what that meant so they kept looking while Tammy & I snapped pictures and laughed!!

Then came the traumatic portion of the trip!  The zoo was full of bees.  By full I mean they were overtaking the place!  Everywhere you walked there were bees especially if you walked near a patch of flowers or a trash can.  They would just land on us like they were welcome.  This made me extrememly nervous since Avani is allergic and we forgot her epipen and by we I mean her mother!  I could see it now either her struggling to breath or a scene out of Pure Luck with Martin Short but only Avani's face swelling like a balloon.  I took lunches and sat down at a table without bees swarming around......or so I thought.  I get the kids all arranged then sit down to feed Addy when I hear screams.  Then Isaiah screamed like I don't think I've ever heard him scream.

Picture this:  Isaiah screaming while Avani, John and Elijah scream and run in all different directions.  I am trying to figure out what just happened and Addison with the rest of the zoo guests look at us like we have totally lost our minds!  All of this while Tammy is inside buying food for her and John.

I figure out a bee stung Isaiah on his ear!  Poor kid and those ears!  I try my best to calm and organize with absolutely NO luck!  Bees still swarming, kids still screaming, Isaiah wailing, Addy and the zoo guests are still looking at me like we've lost our minds.  At this point, I think I did!  I scream at the kids to get their food and go inside while grabbing a screaming Zay and trying to push Addy in the stroller. 

Did anyone ask me if I needed help? 

Nope not one single heartless person!  Jerks!
Let's see you be calm with 3 scared kids, 1 wailing in pain and 1 in a stroller still looking at us like we are nuts.....five count them FIVE KIDS and one me!  I was totally outnumbered and should really think of this BEFORE an outing!  I WILL REMEMBER THIS....SURE HOPE YOU HEARTLESS JERKS DON'T GET STUNG TOO BECAUSE I AM TAKING THE LAST TWO TABLES INDOORS!

Finally once inside a worker asks me about the commotion and calls security and medical over to check on the bee sting boy!  He cried and cried and just when I thought he would be ok he would let out a scream then cry some more!  I seriously wondered if he would even let me put him down long enough to get to the car if needed.  Finally after 30-45 minutes, we coaxed him back outside with...."When a bee stings you, it dies.  All the other bees see this and will never sting you while you are here because they don't want to die too!" 
Total crap but it worked! 
 "Please Lord, don't let him get stung again or I will never hear the end of it!" 
Yep I prayed right after lying to my son!

He wore a light jacket with a hood and let me tell you this.....that kid wore the hood the entire rest of our trip at the zoo and held it with his hands so NO bees could get in!  I didn't tell him they don't always sting ears and could very well just stink him in the face because remember "all the other bees aren't going to sting him"!  Just when I thought he was over it and would let go of the hood.....he would grab it again 2 seconds later....poor guy!  Still cute though....


Don't you think so?
If you don't, then don't answer!!

Finally time for pics with the turtle....

The boys were a little uncooperative but Avani my little model posed and posed..
and of course I played around on Picnik again....

They even have a "Go pink!" effect for Breast Cancer Awareness month!


We had a good time and the weather was absolutely PERFECT!
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Kelli

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Angela's Adventures

Time for Friday High Five!

Come join in the fun....please!Make a list of 5 things ~ ANY five things you want! 5 favorite things, Top 5 Vacation spots, 5 most embarrassing moments, 5 favorite pics, 5 reasons to not pick your nose......A LIST OF ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE....funny, serious, sentimental, to dos, pictures, no pictures ~ anything!

To see my Friday High Five posts for examples, click here!

Post about it, linking back to me (now you can copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this post for a button!) then sign Mr. Linky! Please use the Friday High Five URL post in Mr. Linky's URL section instead of your blog URL and here is how: write the post, publish the post, go to edit posts, VIEW the High Five post, copy the URL in the address portion at the top of the screen then paste it in the URL section of Mr.Linky!!

Sounds complicated but it isn't too bad!
If you need help, let me know in the comment section!
Go view all the other High Five posts and comment away!

Have fun!

5.  Don't you hate it when your kid has to poop each and every time you arrive for speech therapy only to realize after sitting there for five minutes that he just needed to fart! EVERY SINGLE TIME!

4.  Don't you hate it when you need to go pee but you are too busy and far from the bathroom until you turn the washer on, quickly slam it off because that sound of rushing water has turned that urge into an necessity!! You high tail it to the bathroom since those two pregnancies and c-sections for those kids of yours did nothing positive for bladder control! NOTHING!

3.  Don't you hate it when you just sit down to pee and your son busts into the restroom with the sentence, "Now I am not sure what happened Mommy but just remember it was an accident!" with his brother wailing in pain in the not so far distance!  Like an alien took over his body and he couldn't control his legs from jumping on the couch with his brother who fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table!! Two seconds......can I just have TWO seconds to pee!!

2.  Don't you hate it when you take a drink with you in the car and never take a sip THEN you throw out the drink, put a snotty baby wipe in the cup then ask your child to carry it in and put it on the kitchen counter when you get home. THEN you fill the cup and drink from that cup all evening until you realize five hours later while drinking that you forgot to throw out the snotty baby wipe before using that cup.....gag...gag!! Yep there it is just sitting in there marinating in your fruit punch!! Mmmm.......don't say you don't hate that or you haven't done it because I will feel stupid! Just say you "would" hate it!!

Don' you hate it when you pull in the driveway and while gathering your belongings to take into the house you can NOT find your phone! You look and look and tear the car apart! You say, "What did I do with it?" Just then your sister says through the phone being held ON YOUR EAR by your shoulder, "Do with what? What are you looking for?" Oh nothing!  It is almost like I am incapable of learning IT IS ON MY EAR since I do this quite often!  I totally should NOT have admitted to this!

Angela's Adventures


I pick........

1.) Create a list of playground dos and dont's.

DON'T wear flip flops or any form of sandal!  Those large chunks of mulch will undoubtedly stab you in the foot......why must they use such painful material?  If you don't get stabbed, then it will surely get stuck inside your shoe.  The rule is if you can't walk in it barefoot then don't wear flip flops!
DON'T wear high heels to the park!  THAT is just plain ignorant!
DON'T climb UP the slide!  This is difficult for children to understand for some reason until they are kicked in the face by the next person sliding down.  My children are highly guilty of this one!
DON'T talk on your phone the entire time you are at the park.  Kids grow up way too fast and you have plenty of time outside of this bonding moment to chat on the phone!
DON'T tell your little nose picker to wipe their boogers on the nearest piece of equipment that my child might touch!  That's just gross!

DON'T bring your sick kid to the park.  This includes children who have had fevers within 24 hrs, vomited in.....oh like 48 hrs......or if their nose is running off their face.....KEEP THE KID HOME!  Please!  I know you don't want to be cooped up with a sick kid but we don't want what they have!

DON'T wear hooker clothes to the park!  We don't want to see it because we are fat!  Well by "we" I mean "I" but in denial!  Remember it will be harder for you to breath with me sitting on you!  Remember when I jump off the swing and purposely land on....I could crush you!  Not bitter!  Not bitter at all!

DON'T climb into things with your child unless you KNOW you can fit through to reach the other side!  That would suck!  I avoid this little mishap by crawling in NOTHING!

DON'T mention the park to me outloud in front of my child unless you know I want to go!  This makes it harder for me to say NO!  Beware, I will tell your kid you are taking him/her to McDonald's!
DO make your children wash their hands after leaving or giving them any snack!  Hello!  At least get antibacterial crap for them to smear the virus around before eating!

DO wait at the bottom of the slide especially if they are coming down face first!
DO push your kid on the swing!  When you get tired just push them beyond their comfort zone and they will want off!!
DO swing in the swing next to your child!  It will make you feel younger and free....I promise!
DO take pictures!  They will be some of the best with all the colors of nature and the true smiles of a child having fun.



Yes, I am married!

Yes, Hubs knew about the date and was ok with it!

No, we are not in an open relationship!

The younger man is taken too!

We invited his girlfriend BUT she was out of town so it was just the two of us at the park on a WONDERFUL fall evening!

Hubs took Elijah to the TU football game along with his football team and their families.  I was footballed out!  Yes 'footballed' is a word!  The team got to go out onto the field and even made it on the 10 o'clock news!  Woohoo!

I decided I needed a night out and I found the perfect young man to join me!

He is a little hottie!

Irresistible in fact!

Yes, he is a little stubborn or headstrong like myself but again the irresistible part took over.

He didn't have money since he is jobless but I offered to pay.

He has a few minor obsessions and I catered to them all!

Here he is the much younger man I dated for one evening

 I know, right!  I am one lucky lady!

Parks are his fun obsession.  We went to "his" park.... just the two of us.  All of his birthday parties have been at this park so he has claimed it as his own.  Not many little boys have their very own park!

He's a real swinger! lol

The next stop is his favorite obsession of all.....ICE CREAM!  We went to Braum's and out of all of those flavors he still picked his trusty favorite - "baniwa" or vanilla as we know it!  This kid loves ice cream.  I hardly ever buy it since welllllll I love it too and I will eat it.  Meme always have "baniwa" ice cream for him but we went to the ice cream store....just the two of us!

After one scoop of ice cream and one for the road.....I know "sucker" right.....we went to Target to check out the Halloween costume aisles which totally sucked by the way.  They normally have like four aisles of just costumes but this new Target just had one aisle.  ONE for kids and adults, seriously Target you are letting me down here!  We walked through ALL the toy aisles where he claimed to want "all the boy toys and no girl toys" for his birthday.  I said, "ok!"  The boys know I don't just buy them toys everytime we go to the store so both of them ask for everything for their birthdays and I say yes!  They won't remember by then and don't realize how far away their birthdays are.....if they only knew how close Christmas is!!  Hey it works with no begging and no tears!  Then we went home and I must admit I still got it.......I totally wear out my dates!

He didn't even make it to his bed and crashed about 5 minutes after we arrived back home!  A perfect ending to a perfect date with my little man!

Cheaper Than Therapy

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Angela's Adventures

Time for Friday High Five!

Come join in the fun....please!Make a list of 5 things ~ ANY five things you want! 5 favorite things, Top 5 Vacation spots, 5 most embarrassing moments, 5 favorite pics, 5 reasons to not pick your nose......A LIST OF ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE....funny, serious, sentimental, to dos, pictures, no pictures ~ anything!

To see my Friday High Five posts for examples, click here!

Post about it, linking back to me (now you can copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this post for a button!) then sign Mr. Linky! Please use the Friday High Five URL post in Mr. Linky's URL section instead of your blog URL and here is how: write the post, publish the post, go to edit posts, VIEW the High Five post, copy the URL in the address portion at the top of the screen then paste it in the URL section of Mr.Linky!!

Sounds complicated but it isn't too bad!

If you need help, let me know in the comment section!

Go view all the other High Five posts and comment away!

Have fun!


5.  Housecleaning........I clean and clean and can never totally catch up.  My cousin's husband hired someone to clean her house while she went to Mudd Lake to visit with MckMama.  Although I think I too would panic a little at the thought of my things not being where I want them but then I think again and say BRING IT ON!!  So the plan instead of actually cleaning the house is to somehow become independently wealthy real fast then go on a trip to ohhhhhh......ANYWHERE......then after mentioning James' sweet gift to Janelle Hubs will hire a housecleaner to do the work for me.

Chances of this happening.......ZERO!

4.  Bills........along with the last option this will only occur if we become independently wealthy really quickly like so fast that money just flies from the sky!  That would rock! 

Chances of this happening......ZERO right now but possible once I find a job!

3.  Scrapbooking......oh how I miss scrapbooking.  I love it and am far behind again!  You would think I could have caught up at least halfway with all my "free" time but somehow all my "free" time gets bogged down with kid errands, cleaning, cooking, Hubs errands, friends and family errands!  I used to scrap at night when everyone else was sleeping alas that has fallen to the wayside.  I wish I could get my girls together to scrapbook again since we always have so much fun.

Chances of this happening......if I could just find the time this minor feat is highly reachable and fun!  I think I'll begin this weekend in fact!

2.  Painting.......I have been wanting to paint the boys bathroom cabinets and the kitchen cabinets all summer.  I have also wanted to repaint their bathroom walls - same color just fresh coat.  I want to put a fresh coat on the hallway and repaint a new color in the entry way.  I LOVE to paint!  Love love love to paint!  Again I just haven't found the time! 

Chances of this happening.......If I could just have one weekend, then I could get most of it done.  Two weekends and BAM!!  If I had a couple of Hubs/kid free days, then well okay maybe I wouldn't get much painting, scrapbooking or cleaning done BUT I would catch up on the DVR, rest and girl time! Chances of that happening......ZILCH!  Where was I?   The painting could be done I just need some time well and maybe more paint which would require money for paint and a job for money so highly attainable just not right this moment!! ha!  Worked my way out of that one just right!!







I would blog about just about everything if I could just suck it up and go back to my old internet provider.  I am still holding out as if somehow this is hurting them!  ha!  Yeah right!  The only person this is hurting is me!  Ugh!  I have so much to blog about and so little internet time here at the library.  I spend most of my limited library internet time applying for jobs, looking through emails in response to applications, reading others' blogs and trying to keep up in responding to comments.

Chances of this happening......HIGHLY LIKELY IF I COULD JUST SUCK UP MY PRIDE AND THE FACT THAT I SAID I WOULD NEVER RETURN TO THEM NO MATTER HOW MUCH I MISSED THEM!  Originally, my thing was "they don't rule the world"  I can find someone just as fast only way cheaper!  What I didn't realize is they do in fact rule the internet service in my area and I haven't found anything else that is comparable in speed or anyone that even services my neighborhood for that matter!!  I found several who are way way cheaper but alas they don't reach to my house.  Ugh! 
Suck it up Angela and make the call! 
Chances are this will eventually happen because I think I could just DIE!!  I just miss you all so much!

Angela's Adventures

Thursday, October 08, 2009



Angela's Adventures

Time for Friday High Five!

Come join in the fun....please!Make a list of 5 things ~ ANY five things you want! 5 favorite things, Top 5 Vacation spots, 5 most embarrassing moments, 5 favorite pics, 5 reasons to not pick your nose......A LIST OF ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE....funny, serious, sentimental, to dos, pictures, no pictures ~ anything!

To see my Friday High Five posts for examples, click here!

Post about it, linking back to me (now you can copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this post for a button!) then sign Mr. Linky! Please use the Friday High Five URL post in Mr. Linky's URL section instead of your blog URL and here is how: write the post, publish the post, go to edit posts, VIEW the High Five post, copy the URL in the address portion at the top of the screen then paste it in the URL section of Mr.Linky!!

Sounds complicated but it isn't too bad!

If you need help, let me know in the comment section!

Go view all the other High Five posts and comment away!

Have fun!


We all know....or at least you should by now......that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month but you all know I like looking up things at Holiday Insights esp the Bizarre and Unique Holidays.  Here is what I found out about October as a month.

5.  Adopt a Shelter Dog Month........I have a rather strong opinion about this idea.  If a dog was let's say lost, then I have no problem with adopting it BUT most of the time the dogs are there for a reason.  I know, I know you all are going to hate me BUT people take dogs there for many reasons.  Sure there are reasons like they can no longer afford to care for the dog properly or they are unable to spend time with the dog but they could be there for chewing everything in sight, not being potty trained, hyper or maybe they bite.  I am not saying never adopt a dog because they all need a home but I am saying you never know what you are getting careful!  Yes, I know abused animals are there too and they need serious love but be careful around your children since these animals will be frightened at a mere jump or playful scream!  Enough of that moving on..........

4.   Cookie Month.........WOOHOO!  I love cookies!  I love chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!  I love snickerdoodles!  I love oreos!  I love butter cookies!  Ooooooooo.....the other day Chai brought over a batch of cookies and NO she did not make them her friend did but they were the BEST!!  Soft!!  Mmmm.....I can taste them now!  They were chocolate chip peanut they were good!  I will have to see if I can get some more of those or maybe the recipe!

3.  National Pizza Month........I love pizza too!  Don't know why I am fat between the pizza and the cookies!  Ha!  Anyway I love pizza with jalapenos on it!  I love pizza with those little red pepper things on it!  I love pizza without sauce!  Yes, you read that correctly!  Esp Dominos Extravaganza pizza with NO sauce!!  Often times when ordering pizza without sauce you have to repeat it several times because they think you are nuts!!  Most of the time we make our own pizza.  The kids get to help and it is oh so good and super duper cheap!

2.  National Diabetes Month........this is important to us since Hubs, my Father, my Grandmother, a few friends and two of Elijah's little friends have diabetes.  Check yourself!  Just because you pass one glucose test per year does NOT mean you do not have diabetes!  I could go on and on about this topic.  I believe the doctors should test patients twice within one week every 6 months if a patient has a family history of diabetes or many of the warning signs.  If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes or have lived with it for years, I urge you to take a diabetes education course.  Most hospitals can tell you where to find one close to you!  You will learn so much and most will offer an update course every year so you can learn new info since the medical field learns something new everyday! It is a manageable disease with so much to learn.  Information is key to the disease in my eyes!  Diabetes should be considered an awakening not a death sentence!

Last but certainly not least......

October is Sarcastic Month!


Finally, a month for my family, friends and I to honor in our God given talent!

Angela's Adventures

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Angela's Adventures

Time for Friday High Five!

Come join in the fun....please!Make a list of 5 things ~ ANY five things you want! 5 favorite things, Top 5 Vacation spots, 5 most embarrassing moments, 5 favorite pics, 5 reasons to not pick your nose......A LIST OF ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE....funny, serious, sentimental, to dos, pictures, no pictures ~ anything!

To see my Friday High Five posts for examples, click here!

Post about it, linking back to me (now you can copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this post for a button!) then sign Mr. Linky! Please use the Friday High Five URL post in Mr. Linky's URL section instead of your blog URL and here is how: write the post, publish the post, go to edit posts, VIEW the High Five post, copy the URL in the address portion at the top of the screen then paste it in the URL section of Mr.Linky!!

Sounds complicated but it isn't too bad!

If you need help, let me know in the comment section!

Go view all the other High Five posts and comment away!

Have fun!


5.  Wal-martS!  Seriously!  Have you ever seen an S at the end of a Wal-Mart sign?  NO!  It is Wal-mart NOT Wal-MartS!  The lady across from me apparently works for Wal-MartS and is having an issue accessing some paperless check thing on the computer.  She is talking to her supervisor very LOUDLY I must add and has said, "Do I just type in my walmartS dot com?"  NO BECAUSE IT IS WAL-MART!  She is seriously typing Wal-martSSSS!  Good grief!

4.  "I am!"  I hate it when I ask Elijah to do something and he says.....I AM!  Instead of Yes Ma'am or a simple ok would be great for me!  I especially hate it when he says I am and is NOT doing anything!  Hubs does this also....ugh!

3.  I can't stand hearing about someone hating their job right now!  I totally understand that feeling but seriously in my situation do you really think I am the one you should be complaining to?!?!  Suck it up and be glad you have one!!

2.  "I'll call you back!"  This is fine only if you intend on actually calling back.  If you have no intention of calling me back, then don't tell me you will instead just say talk to you later.  This is ok from time to time since I completely understand getting side tracked and busy but ALL THE TIME....UGH!!

When I lose something, NEVER ever ask me where I put it! 
Hubs does this all the time! 
Don't you understand that if I knew where I put it then it wouldn't be lost!
I know I have mentioned this before but it happened again!
I lost my keys....again....actually I didn't
It went a little something like this......I asked Hubs to get my keys out of my pocket on my pants that were on the ironing board.  Hubs tells me they aren't in my pants pocket.  We begin to look and look and look when he keeps asking me where I put the keys.  I keep telling him I put them in the pocket of my pants and now they are gone.  He then does his classic, "Well I guess they just walked off or suspiciously disappeared" crap.  I said, "NO I put them in my pants pocket!"  He says, "I've checked your pants three times and they are NOT there!"  We seriously looked forever and even woke Isaiah up to see if he had played with them.  No luck!  He gives up and goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth.  I then grab my pants only to hear, "I told you I checked them three times!"  I said, "Well this will be MY first!" Sure enough the keys WERE IN THE FREAKING POCKET OF MY PANTS like I said they were!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  I just should have looked the first time instead of asking him. Then he swears they weren't in there when he looked.  I guess they just spontaneously reappeared!!  Darn magic keys!  There he goes using those MAN EYES again......if it isn't in his line of sight, then it is gone or non-existent.  Never ever lift or move anything for fear you might actually find it!

Angela's Adventures