Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all did not eat "too" much but I definitely know I gobbled til I wobbled ~ without a doubt.
Thursday's Ten this week (finally I haven't done one in awhile) is:
Thursday's Thankful Ten
  1. First and foremost I am thankful for my family. MY family made up of me and my six boys in the house (husbands, three boys and two boy dogs that I am unsure about on most days!). Yes I am outnumbered but I wouldn't have it any other way! I get to be the Alpha Female!! lol I also love my big, huge, sarcastic yet hilarious, perverted, bullheaded, loud, outgoing, playful, out-spoken, supportive, helpful, full of good cooks ~ beautiful family including my parents, Grandma, brothers, sister, their spouses, 3 nieces, 5 nephews, 2 new foster nephews, aunts, uncles and countless cousins! No we aren't the Ingalls or the Waltons but we love each other regardless. Some are easier to love than others (me~lol) and yes there are many times when we disagree but we still love each other and have a good time when we are together. Well at least I know I do!!
  2. I am thankful for a forgiving God because he knows I am not perfect and he loves me just the same.
  3. I am thankful the election is finally over and that is all I will say about that!
  4. I am thankful I am raising my kids in a time when their race is far more accepted than days past.
  5. I am thankful for my husband who knows me in and out with all (I mean one or two!) my flaws and loves me for who I really am! He changed my life for the better and I am truly thankful for each and every day we get to make each other smile. We are too funny! lol
  6. I am thankful Benjamin Franklin did not succeed in making the Wild Turkey the National bird b/c then I know I would not be able to eat turkey and I love turkey OH SO much!!
  7. I am thankful for my friends. My true friends! The ones who laugh at my jokes, respect my honest opinion even when they don't want to hear it, listen to my problems even when they are in a crisis and my problem may be tiny at the time but they care enough to listen, understand the concept of GIVE AND TAKE, give me an honest opinion even when I don't want it, love and respect me and my relationship with my husband and the ones who know me probably WAY too well but stick around for the long haul anyway!!
  8. I am thankful for my children that the doctors said I would never have! Guess all that schooling doesn't make you an expert!!
  9. I am thankful for pecan pie, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, chocolate layer dessert, Kristin making some sinfully delish oatmeal/pnut butter/chocolate chip cookies, rolls, pasta salad, the inventor of Snickers salad and last but not least Turkey and the tryptophan it supplies to put me fast asleep when I am done with this list!
  10. Last but not least I am thankful my three year old is finally asleep and I can crash for a few hours before BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING ON MY BIRTHDAY!

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