Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Broken Arrow schools started today and morning #1 of the school year was a success. I hate mornings and I am a total insomniac so mornings are my small version of hell. Elijah is just like me and a total bear EVERY morning. This morning he did okay since he was excited to see his school friends but I am positive that will end after a couple of days. I successfully managed to get myself, a 14yr old teenager, 6 yr old boy and a 3 yr old boy ready, fed, beds made, laundry folded and out of the house with all backpacks, lunches, school supplies and my best friend Fujio the camera by 7:25am after I fed Moose, Samson, Fievel and Lucy and watered the yard. I'm tired just talking about it! This will become less productive and awe inspiring as the school year progresses trust me! I then took the three boys to three separate places and walked my precious little 1st grader to class for his 1st day. I asked him if he wanted me to walk him in telling him it didn't matter to me and he said he didn't care but had a look as if he wanted me to. I then said if he "wanted" me to I would "help him carry all his stuff"! I hope you moms are reading between the lines......I didn't want him to feel alone but I didn't want him to think I thought he couldn't handle it but inside I was screaming please let me walk you in and promise to never grow up and leave me!!!!! I walked him in, chatted with the moms I knew and went to work just waiting to go home so I could hear all about his 1st day of 1st grade. Whether he likes it or not, he will always be my 1st baby! I also couldn't wait to hear if Tez got lost at South or if he found all his classes! Both boys were successful and Zay had a good time with Aunt Karen since Meme and Papa were in Illinois.

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