Monday, September 29, 2008
"Mrs. Edmonson, I was going to be Indian but somehow I just came out like this," pointing to himself.
Mrs. Edmonson questions, "What's this?
Elijah replies with, "just brown, you see although I am brown like an Indian I am not in fact Indian just a brown boy."
We laughed then in the car on our way to the dentist Elijah says, "Oh Mom now I remember what I was trying to tell Mrs. Mom is white and my Dad is black so that makes me a muchaco!" I thought I was going to choke from laughing so hard and he still seriously says, "What's so funny about me being muchaco?" I said, "Son you are MULATTO not muchaco. A muchaco is what Mommy orders from Taco Bueno!" He still didn't see the humor! I do and I still laugh just thinking about it! I've been trying to teach Elijah the politically correct name for his race, mulatto, but I guess I am not too good at it since he thinks he is a muchaco!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My newest (actually finished) project
I finished one of my many planned craft projects today. Luckily it only took about twenty minutes and it was cute. I was needing a paint can for another project I have planned for the boys but I had to buy a 3pk of cans. Not knowing what to do with the other two, I decided to make one of the projects pictured on the label. I did it for my friend Chaitra who will be having her second girl Addison in a few weeks. What exactly she will do with it, I am unsure! Hair bow container maybe but I did it in brown and pink to match her room. Since I don't have girls and have a love of pink, whenever I can use pink for "my" girls Avani, Quinlynne and Addison I will!
Right side "A" for Addison
Left side
Up close and personal!
Five years ago on September 27th, I married the love of my life! I would say he changed me but I truly believe our love changed US to be better people and better parents! We have grown SO much since we met it is unreal!In Dec we will have been together for 8 yrs. The first year and a half was ROCKY to say the least but we both made a decision to either split apart or work it out for good and that is exactly what we did - we worked it out. He makes me so happy not to say he never aggravates me but he loves me FOR WHO I TRULY AM and a lot of people can't say that. I realize how lucky I am to have a husband who helps with the kids, works two jobs (b/c HE wants to provide more), coaches his son's football team and still has time for the cop a feel moments! lol He still makes me laugh, smile and can talk about nothing into the wee hours if I can't sleep (not so say he doesn't fall asleep while I am talking) AND I appreciate him for it!! Even if I complain to my friends who are mostly single moms about stuff he doesn't do, they are quick to defend HIM b/c of all they know he DOES for me AND the kids - even for THEIR kids - w/o being asked! I never thought I would find a "keeper" that my friends AND family would love too! Trust me my family loves him like he is their own and he loves them too! (Sometimes I wonder if they may even love HIM more! ha well ok not ha!)
For the most part we really don't fight at least not like other couples we know. WELL unless HE is driving! lol Yes we disagree and racial issues will bring about a heated discussion but he then understands I am always right and won't allow racial issues as a cop out (sp?)! lol Just kidding but honestly we discuss our differences and sometimes we just have to agree to disagree b/c no two people will ever agree on EVERYTHING 100%. We have only slept apart two nights in almost eight years except when I've been in the hospital for childbirth and other random surgeries. Yes sometimes I wish we had more alone time but that is a bridge I think every parent wants to cross. He is an amazing father AND daddy to our boys and I love every time Isaiah (Daddy's boy) says, "Daddy I missed you and I wuv you buncha bunches! You my best Daddy evo!" and then Martez gets the biggest grin and repeats it back to him. It is moments like that that make each bad day seem not so bad.
Good teamwork wins games!
Good job Ryan and Elijah!
Uh oh, Elijah injured someone!
He must know the rule of thumb for dressing in stripes!
Is it helping though?!?! Sorry just had to say it!
On another note Tammi went to the ob/gyn and found out she is having a baby girl that is perfectly fine - no heart defects present!! What a relief!! However, she ended up in the ER this weekend with contractions. They believe it is do to too much stress, dehydration, kidney stones and an infection they are now treating. I wish there was something/anything I could do for this young family but all I can do at this point is put their story out there and ask for prayer and support!
Friday, September 26, 2008
- Australia/New Zealand (Elijah would love to take this trip with me to see "Steve Irwin's Zoo"
- Africa
- Alaska
- Germany/Austria/Greece (put them all together b/c of proximity maybe it could be done in one trip)
- Russia
- Have to add a sixth - I would like to see the Eastern United States during the fall
Thursday, September 25, 2008
- Be a Mom to a little girl - Oh how I would love dress up, dolls, tea parties and fixing her curly long hair! Not gonna happen!
- Natural child birth - One emergency and one scheduled c-section for me - well I would want as natural as it could be with an epidural :)
- Finish college
- Wear a bikini - Nope never been small enough to be comfortable in one! If only I had the body! Lucky for everyone else I am not a big girl who would blind onlookers with my white jiggly fat in a bikini b/c I don't like the rubberband around a pillow look!! You all know you've seen that look and thought "I know it's good to have confidence but it is also good to own a mirror and have some pride in your discretion!"
- Vacation somewhere tropical in that bikini body I want
- Drive a race car....oooohhhh.....that sounds fun!!
- I have never been totally caught up on my scrapbooks. Wow that would be a relief!
- Never been snowskiing but always wanted to (funny since my family in Iowa has had a ski resort since before I was even born!)
- Love my job - it would be easier for me to work everyday if I was doing something I loved or for that matter even slightly enjoyed!
- Lose the weight I want to lose AND keep it off longer than my average year
I say, "get up", he says, "I am!" UGH! He cries about being SO tired then I say, "go to bed when I tell you to go to bed!" That one sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me every time it spews out of my mouth. I HATED it when my Dad said that b/c he never understood how someone could go to bed and not fall asleep like me......hello insomnia! I CAN'T JUST FALL ASLEEP! Once I am asleep I am OUT but it takes me forever to fall asleep and Elijah is doing the same things I did. Things that make you go hmmmmm.....................
This morning Isaiah decided to help me out and said "E-I-Jah don't make me tount!......Otay! Onnnne, twooooo, fourrrr, fivvvvve, sixxxx, sevvvvennn..................Mommy what number do I stop at?" He is too funny! Tez and Isaiah are like their Daddy in the mornings. They just pop up and get ready to start the day....Thank God I don't think I could handle another MORNING ME since I already have two! Oh the joys of motherhood!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Unfortunately, Maddox is not doing well at all. He developed an infection in his blood from his central line. He coded yesterday in his hospital room with me and Manny present. The doctors came in and started chest compressions and tons of drugs to try and stabilize him. He is still very very sick and is on complete support in the CVICU. The doctors say it is touch and go at this point in time. He is very very sick. Please say a prayer for him
- The Stanfield Journey
- Lily's Angel Heart
- Michael James Sheehan Irwin
- Milnes
- Baby's Journey Home
- These Nine Months has some good HLHS links and last but not least her husband's blog Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. Brooks the husband blogged during the hospital stay and initial surgery in August and it was nice to see a man's view and he is a great writer full of emotion
I am sure there are many more out there but these are the new blogs I have been reading this week! It was nice to see some babies with heart defects doing well. I will continue to keep Maddox in my thoughts and prayers but now I will include Faith, Emma Kate, Mick, Lily, Bela, "Baby" and the many others that I don't yet know about.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Elijah says, "Ok 1 +1 is 2, 2 + 2 is 4 and 10 + 10 is 20."
Logan soaks in the new knowledge and repeats each equation.
Elijah says, "20 + 20 is 40 and 100 + 100 is 200"
Logan then says very seriously, "Wow I am going to have to hang around you more often! You are really good at this stuff! (math) Now when someone asks me what 2 + 2 is, I will say 4."
This continued for a while and it was so cute!
We get home and they played my old Playstation 1 games for awhile. I don't like it when kids are addicted to videogames and it is very addictive but you can't get rid of Pac Man World, Frogger, Asteroids, Wheel of Fortune, Spyro, Mrs. Pac Man, Tarzan and more for this reason: you get to play the old time games WITH them - to teach them how of course!! It was then time to watch the instructional karate video which was a funny thing to watch!
They then decided to play dress up! Ha, yes boys can play however instead of princess dresses and fine jewels they are monsters, heroes or cowboys! They had so much fun! Spiderman and the Ninja Turtle wrestled for power of the house!
Can you see Logan's mohawk peeking over the mask?
Isaiah started to feel left out and threw on his pirate costume from last year but I somehow deleted that picture. OOPS! Then Logan and I were talking about something (can't remember what) when he said, "Wow Gigi you are REALLY smart!" With this comment I just had to call Lisa to tell her deep down I think he thinks he lives with idiots and we are really making them look bad! His comments about me and Elijah being so smart just cracked me up b/c he was SO serious! Finally after many hours of wrestling, jumping, running with Samson, video games, cars, playing board games, jumping on the bed (no no), Logan getting his leg seriously stuck between the slat and headboard of the bed (from said no no) and thinking I was going to have to amputate or break out the butter, Mommy decided it was definately movie time (bedtime). Knowing they were exhausted I just needed them to sit still for at least....hmmm....two minutes! lol Movie in, kids FAST asleep and of course all three of them wanted to sleep in one bed.......
This morning I woke up to Logan playing the guitar on FULL volume and Isaiah playing the keyboard with them both singing very loudly. Oh the joys of motherhood and being an aunt!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
- They made me realize how to truly love UNCONDITIONALLY! I even love them enough to clean up vomit and pick their stuffy baby noses! lol No but really I didn't realize how much parents love their kids until I became one!
- I would do anything in the world to protect my kids but I still will allow them to make mistakes so they can learn from them
- I love them enough to tell them NO when they needed it even though I had to endure the booboo lips, crying and them hating me for it in the moment!
- I love them enough to listen to the same story "just one more time" after I've already heard it a million times over!
- I love them enough to give up my wants for their needs but I love them so much that I don't lose myself in them and still find time to for myself so I can be a balanced Mom! (At least I think I do!)
The cardiologist performed a heart cath on Tuesday to try and determine the pressures and function of Maddox's heart. During the procedure they discovered the three main problems he is having are
1.His tricuspid valve is severely leaking
2.Only 1/3 of his blood flow is going to his lungs ( it should be at least 2/3 )
3. His heart is extremely dilated (large) and it takes up over 2/3 of his chest from being overworked.
There is a surgery called the Fontan that would fix these problems. However, Maddox wasn't supposed to have this surgery for another 2 years. The surgeons think it would be too high risk to perform this surgery just 5 months after the last heart surgery and with his heart in this condition. Therefore, we met with the transplant team on Wednesday. They are doing all of the blood work and paper work now to get Maddox placed on the transplant list.
As I'm sure you can imagine this is all very scary for me, Manuel and all of our family. We will have to move to Houston and live within one hour of the hospital and carry a pager at all times. This is in case a heart becomes available we would have to be close enough to the hospital to get here in time for the organ. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He has made it through so much already and I know his time isn't done here on earth. However, it is deeply saddening to know that another child will have to lose his life for my son to live. I ask that you not only pray for Maddox and our family but for all the families that are going through the same thing we are. I will update you as we know more.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
- Loose teeth and the pulling of loose teeth - ugh, ack! *gag*gag - seriously loose teeth freak me out!! I didn't mind as a child in fact like most children I sat wiggling them around with my tongue but now that I am an adult I can't stand it. I hate to see them wiggle, feel them wiggle and the mere thought of pulling them makes me want to vomit! Why? I don't have a clue but it was a serious gagfest as I tried to take pictures when my hubby pulled Elijah's first tooth! I am fine once they are out but the wiggling is *gag* creepy!
- SPIDERS!! I hate spiders! All spiders! Big, small, tiny, red, brown, black and hairy! I do not discriminate I will kill them without regret but I would much rather someone else kill them for me. I especially hate momma wolf spiders with hundreds of babies riding on their back......okay I am getting the willies! You will just have to read a few of prior blogs to understand that part. Read them in this order - Creepy Crawlies, Not Again and then My Panic Attack - apparently everyone besides me thinks they are funny. I think you all should know now b/c of our apparent colony of harmless yet aggressive, large and horny Wolf spiders and my immense fear of them, we now have a contract with an exterminator to get sprayed every 2 months!!!
- Walking into spiders webs b/c of number 2!!
- Roaches and large groups of ants - roaches should be self explanatory to most but they just disgust me and they are so fast. Sadly the rent house we lived in prior to buying our home was infested. I had exterminators out there many times but unfortunately the neighbors were fine with the nasty little visitors b/c they would never spray. One time the exterminator showed me a long line of roaches crawling to our house from their outside trash (they were some nasty people) and needless to say we gave our notice the next day b/c I could NOT live there. Ants, I know they are tiny, but large groups of ants give me the willies. Really people I am not a bug freak but not much else scares me!
- Touching anything in public restrooms! This one is next to impossible for me to avoid and I am fine as long as I don't think about it. The door handle, the door lock, the toilet handle (thank God for automatic flushing toilets!), my pants touching the floor, the sink handles, the paper towel I am glad I didn't live in olden days! I would personally like to thank the person who invented automatic flushing toilets, sinks and paper towel dispensers - YOU ROCK!! Now if someone would just be smart enough to put an automatic DOOR on bathrooms that would be amazing!!
- Loogies - enough said! This can make me puke!
- Cleaning vomit with Qtips from tiny areas in car seats
- Smelling crap from other adults
- Mystery pieces of meat while eating at new Chinese restaurants my Dad wants to try. What can I say - I'm a texture girl! I finally told him I am fine with our "normal" Chinese restaurants but I will not EXPERIMENT again. He laughed until the last place where I TOTALLY lost control and had a laughing fit while HE got a taste of some mystery meat that looked like intestines from some kind of small animal!! The mere thought of that moment still makes me laugh!!
- The sound of my Dad rubbing his squeaky eye. I can't really explain this one but if you could hear it you get the heebie-geebies too! Right Melanie!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh how I laughed at this one! Then I decided to research it a little and in fact there is a Bigfoot Festival and apparently Bigfoot lives in SE Oklahoma in the Kiamichi Mountains. Wow who knew!! LoOLOLOLoL!!!! The Honobia Bigfoot Organization will be hosting the 2nd Annual Honobia Bigfoot Festival on October 3 - 4th. How funny is that! They even have their own blog ...not much to it but still they have a freaking blog!! Wow! I read on just to see what exactly they do at a Bigfoot Festival and well I guess you can read it yourself here. How about those barrel train rides, covered wagon rides, cloggers, 4wheeler bigfoot hunts with the live entertainment and art shows running all day...hehehe.....then of course there is nightly bingo, a bigfoot walk of fame contest and storytelling time to tell tall tales. My favorite has to be the Tomahawk throwing lessons and a rock throwing contest!! Hey I should check into the prize for the rock throwing contest.....I might just take the boys for that! They are rock throwing pros! Doesn't it make you kinda want to go just to see "who really" goes to this thing!?!?
This reminds me of when I was looking at the calendar of events for the Convention Center last spring. I had decided we were going to try to go to all kinds of shows, festivals, town fairs and so on like I did when I was little. I couldn't wait for the Porter Peach Festival and the Stillwell Strawberry Festival and then somehow I missed both - go figure! Anyway I wanted to see what they would have at the convention center when I came across THE Oklahoma Funeral Home Directors Association Convention held annually in April. As soon as I came across this I thought, "Wow I bet they are a LIVELY bunch!" at the time I didn't realize how funny the thought was! Really what do you do at a Funeral Home Directors Convention look at new casket models, talk about new embalming techniques, cremation stories or just sit around talking about the deceased. Wow what a bundle of fun! I sure want to go there EVERY year. Bet it will take your mood 6ft under real quick! I know someone has to do that job but really how could you WANT that job!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Because we had a good lead at halftime 25 - 0, Coach Hinesley experimented with them playing different positions and they did well. Elijah is normally running back and corner but today he also got to play quarterback and defensive line! Not so good as the quarterback but great job as defensive lineman! It was really exciting when he was running the fumble return (not sure if that is the techincal term) b/c I happened to be walking around to the opposite side of the field and was right by the end zone when I heard everyone screaming. I looked up to see my boy running towards me as fast as his little legs could go so I dropped the umbrella tried to take what I thought would be an awesome picture all the while screaming "COME ON BABY! GO BABY GO!" Still fiddling with the camera wondering why I can't see him when I realize the camera lens cover was still on and by the time I figured it out he got tackled right before the goal line! Boo hoo! It was the PERFECT picture opt with the PERFECT ANGLE and I MISSED IT!!! Don't think I am not kicking myself over and over for that one - seriously the perfect scrapbook moment!! It rained most of the game and we had to sit in the opposing sides bleachers in order to see and I must say they did not like that at all and they were rude! I bet they would not have been as rude if they only had a chance!! WE WHOOPED SOME LOCUST GROVE PIRATE BUTT!! We won 37 - 0! How awesome is that!!!! On the ride home the boys and the parents were pumped and I said, "Elijah baby you sent those pirates back out to sea!" He said, "Yep those pirates need to walk the plank! We took their ship! Aaarrgghh!" How cute is that!
I love this shirt Mindy made for Ellie! This is the back & so true - her 3 big brothers play for BA
I had to include this pic b/c the Locust Grove coaches attire cracked me up!!
One has on a "wife beater" (I hate that name!) and the other is wearing overalls!After we finally arrived home we decided to go to my nephew Nehemiah's game since we were already wet anyway. My Mom, Sister and Logan came too! Needless to say I didn't even try to speak to my brother after the game since he was the not-so-happy Coach after losing 34 - 0! I sure wouldn't want to be his team this week at practice!! In their defense it took three or four of their guys to take down any player on the opposing team and that gets old after awhile. It was shocking to me to see my brother as a Coach - he is a yeller and not really his nice self! After leaving Nehemiah's game, our friends Tammy and Jessie called to see if we wanted to go eat at Indigo Joe's a sports bar and grill. The plan was to eat, let the men watch football while Tammy and I went to get a pedicure! What? Who says no to that??!!?? It was nice to finally get a pedicure WITH a girlfriend and just relax and chat. Next came home for rainy day activities aka hubby watches football on TV, kids complain of being bored while I blog, download pictures and return to kicking myself over the lost perfect picture moment! Now if I could just keep my head from exploding that would be terrific! Did I mention I am getting sick and allergies are kicking my butt!?!?
Friday, September 12, 2008
I would like to introduce all of you to Maddox and ask for some major prayers. Tammi, Maddox's mom, is the younger sister of a girl I have worked with for many years. In the fall of 2006, Tammi was told while 6 months pregnant that her baby had HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome and to terminate the pregnancy. She was told the baby would need an immediate heart transplant if born alive and most of the time hearts are not available so the baby would die shortly after birth. Tammi was very depressed and was giving up so I searched every end of the internet to find her some hope. I printed off everything I could to give to her hoping she could find someone to help her and the baby. The next morning she called Michigan University or maybe it was the University of Michigan anyway she left the next day to go see a specialist. They told her he had a version of the defect and they could help but because of insurance reasons they could not legally help her. If she didn't have insurance then they could have helped her. After months of searching for help she found it. In February 2007, Maddox was born. Immediately he was taken and hooked up to different machines and she was unable to hold him until he was 20 days old. I can't imagine her pain! Maddox went through many medical procedures and two or three open heart surgeries. They have been told countless times that he would not make it and to say their goodbyes. His heart stopped many times during different procedures but they always managed to bring him back. He has even been placed on life support and come out of it. Doctors and nurses have even screwed things up a time or two and he still survives! I am so proud of Tammi and Manny. They are young parents but they are strong! I can't believe how strong they are and Maddox is just a little soldier. I call him a walking, talking, ornery miracle!! He just makes it through everything. You would never know he is even sick because besides taking medicine daily and being small for his age he has no physical indications of his problems. All of his surgery scars are hidden by his shirt! They relocated to Texas to be closer to his cardiologist and now Tammi is 6 mos pregnant with her second child. She is so scared to go to her doctor appts for fear they will tell her the new baby also has the heart defect. His most recent major surgery was in the spring of 2008 and they were told he wouldn't need another surgery until he was three maybe four years old. Wednesday the call came that Maddox is in major heart failure and more than likely he will need a heart transplant. The entire family is devestated and all the while Maddox gets on the phone with his Aunt Brandi and says, "Heeey baaby! Wassup!". I think Tammi is understandably at her lowest. Honestly your 19month old ball of energy might need a transplant to survive but how do you pray and hope for a new heart knowing that someone else's baby will have to die for your child to live! I am just praying that some different medicine will help and it will not come to that point! No parent should have to go through this. They are young parents, only 21 and 22, but they are resilient and stronger than many parents I know but they need everyone's prayer because now more than ever before they understand how much the power of prayer has helped their little boy! Here is a copy of the bulletin she sent out:
Unfortunately, Maddox is back in the hospital! I took Maddox to the pediatrician on Tuesday to get him checked out. He had played with a little girl on Sunday who wound up in the hospital with pneumonia and strep throat. Maddox hadn't really been acting sick, although I had noticed he seemed to be having more difficulty breathing. Anyhow, when we were at the pediatrician Maddox's oxygen was only 63%. The pediatrician called for an ambulance and they transported us to the ER. Once in the ER they did several blood tests and a chest xray. One of the tests they ran was a BNP this is used to determine heart function. Maddox's BNP was 1140. 0-99 is normal. With the results from that test they then transported us by ambulance back to Houston. Last night they re-did the BNP and Maddox's levels had risen to over 3000. The doctors said his heart function is now considered severe. They are trying to switch medications to help improve his heart. However, it is up in the air as to whether that will be enough for him. If the meds do not work they will move us to ICU place him on a drug called milrinone and consider heart transplantation. All of this being said I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that there is no possible way god will take my sweet angel from me. So I am asking everyone to pray and keep him in your hearts. I will update everyone when I know more.
Maddox playing with crawfish
Some of the boys went to check on Carson who was having cramps. It was a sweet candid moment. They walked up put their hands on him and said, "Are you okay buddy?"
Take 'em down baby!
Garrett looks so much like my cousin Brandon at this age it is almost creepy!
Somebody got in trouble!
- Kids are back in school so therefore my Fridays off are now ALL MINE AGAIN! EXCEPT for this Friday.......why again are my kids home?......why do they need a professional day so soon after Labor Day?.....well at least I got to sleep in for ONE Friday and didn't have to take kids to school or sports or run one million errands!!!
- MUCH COOLER temperatures SO soon no sweat will roll down my back or into my eyes at outdoor events!! Hey I hate OK's 100 degree weather so much that I am LOVING the 80s right now and even the lower 90s don't seem so bad! I must admit though THIS summer did not seem as hot as normal and the 100s didn't last long
- Warm comfort foods like beef stew, cobblers, chili and hot chocolate will return soon along with sweatshirts and pajama pants curled up by the fireplace!!
- I will have NO reason to wear my bathing suit!
- Piles of leaves and pictures of my boys having fun in them!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
He rode the ponies!
Got his face painted (it's a kite)
I decided on the career note that I no longer like my job well I have never "liked" my job but I get the family perks and I have misplaced guilt for leaving the family business. VERY long issue for me and I am not going to get started but I will say one good thing about working for my family - if my kid needs to go to the doctor, I can get off. If my kid has a class party, I can go! Basically it lets me make money and still allows me the extra time off when I need to be with the kids so....I am stuck! Gonna stop that topic now to say I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up! Lol A weather girl! You can screw up all the time and never get fired b/c weather prediction in Oklahoma is apparently a very difficult job to do correctly! Ugh....
I am really enjoying blogging and just reading blogs from random people. I am finding so many things I want to teach and do with the boys. I am finding ideas and motivation so it (the addiction) can't be too bad, right?!?! I think the worst part for me is once I get started on a really good blog I find myself trying to read it all the way to the beginning and end up reading for a couple of hours before deciding I better sleep at least a little!! I blogged on myspace, in fact all of the blogs from before June of 2008 are transferred over from my myspace page (wow that was a challenge!) and I must say at least on myspace I had comments and a RELIABLE counter to at least KNOW people were reading my blogs!
I am SO not political BUT for some odd reason I have this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach and I don't want EITHER candidate to be the next President! I have good AND bad feelings about both of them. I have definite views that I might share later but for now I am thinking the only reason to vote for Obama is he is not McCain and the only reason to vote for McCain is he is not Obama. I am telling you guys my intuition tells me something bad is happening and I am scared! Seriously this could "change" my kids lives for forever! ackk.....don't want to talk about that anymore either.....
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Answer YES or NO to the following 25 warning signs. You know you're addicted to blogging when:
- You eat all three meals in front of the laptop, so you don't miss a post. - No only b/c I don't have a laptop
- When you can't sleep you no longer count sheep -you count blog buddies. - Yep I am an insomniac so I will pop up at all hours and start some new blog, get hooked and read months and months worth of blogs.
- You have been late for work at least once a week because you're reading blogs. - No BUT I have had to rush out the door to get kids to school on time b/c I lost track of time and had to finish getting ready for work at my Mom's when I dropped Zay off!
- Checking your site every ten minutes has become a reflex. - Yes, sad but true
- You've googled "how to cure blog addiction" - No but I would read a blog about it!! lol
- The proverbial cigarette afterwards, has been replaced by a quick blog check. - Sure
- You've seriously considered purchasing a shirt with “Certified Blogger” blazoned across the front. - No
- You spend hours doing it, then feel guilty and vow to quit. Then spend even more time doing it the next day. - Yes and no - I feel guilty but never guilty enough to quit!!
- You do it in the office - even risking doing it while the boss is around. - Yes! I work for my Dad who has no computer knowledge so when he asks me about it I just say I am emailing!!
- You're no longer invited out on girl's night with your friends because of all the things you blogged about them. - "Girl's night" what's that!
- When you see the word "MeMe" in the grandmother section of greeting Cards, you immediately think Daily Meme - NO I think of my mom! I don't really get the daily Meme deal yet. I am a newbie coming over from myspace.
- You check your stats counter every 2 hours and then immediately look up any domain/IP addresses of visitors you don't recognize. - Yes and this is the funny part. I had one counter that was not working at all - don't know why! I got a new counter that my friend recommended. After believing I was all of the sudden getting a bunch of hits and getting excited, I discovered I was the one raising the count every time I viewed my blog or refreshed the page!!! Sad I know! So I am about to spend more "work" time looking for a new counter!
- During meetings you keep your RSS newsreader open and hit "refresh" every 5 minutes. - No but I refresh my dashboard frequently so that probably counts!
- You make travel decisions based solely on whether they will make good blog posts. - No not solely on the blog aspect I include the factor of good pictures for my scrapbooks too!
- You blog rather than eat lunch (or dinner) (or breakfast) - YES - could this be a new diet!!
- A cup of warm milk at 2:00 when you can't sleep has been replaced with blogging. - I blog or read blogs way into the wee morning hours, remember insomnia! Warm milk? Gross
- You keep your laptop in stand-by and keep it centrally located so that you can check it every time you walk by it! - Again I don't own a laptop but I keep the computer on standby so anytime I have to go into my room to fold laundry, go potty, etc, I can check it quickly! Wow that is sad! So I guess it is a yes!
- You sneak the laptop into the bathroom when you have company over, so you can check your blogs without appearing rude. - Again no laptop but I would have to walk right by my computer in the bedroom to use my bathroom! How convenient!
- You make pointless comments such as ‘nice blog’ on random blogs, in the hope of getting a click on your own blog. - No not yet but don't think I haven't thought about doing it! I just want to know if ANYONE is even reading my blog!
- When you’re asked what you have been up to, your standard answer has become "Blogging". - Yep!
- Blogging is listed on your resume as a hobby. - Not yet
- You lie about blogging, and instead, tell your SO you spent the evening making a list of household chores you are going to accomplish the following week. - That's me - good thing his is not computer literate either
- You checked at least one other blog because you were afraid you'd missed something important, while taking this test. (Counts as 2 Yes answers) Sadly yes and even found a new counter that hopefully will work ALL of this AND I am at work! So so sad! That probably worth like 4 yes answers! lol
- You no longer email or phone friends - you blog comments back and forth. - Well not yet but we either text or get on myspace
- If someone on your bloglist hasn't posted in a week, you're tempted to call the police to check in on them. - Well I probably wouldn't call the police but I would definately wonder what's going on!!
Scoring; If you answer YES to:
0-2 Relax, you're fine. Go read another blog.
3 - 6 Further testing will be necessary to make a conclusive diagnosis, however, you show definite signs of addiction.7-10 You are definetly addicted. I suggest you talk to a close friend or relative and ask for help.
Hey, you, I said NOW! YOU ARE A FULL BLOWN ADDICT. Why are you still poking around on my list of Blog Buddies??
So does anyone know of a good therapist for blogging addicts b/c I guess I am addicted if this little quiz is a predictor!! Or maybe a therapist who blogs about blogging addicts would be better since I can't help myself!!!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
My final statement: Hey woman if you don't want to watch my kids then say so don't make other last minute plans b/c I can't force you to love my kids and I don't need to b/c my entire family and our friends love them willingly, unconditionally and abundantly! It is your choice to have a relationship with them and from now on it is ALL up to YOU! You just have NO clue what you are missing out on - my kids are amazing!!!