Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Elijah had a fever this morning and was sounding croupy which didn't surprise me b/c many on his team have been sick lately so it was just our turn I guess! During the I'm bored phase of the day I decided to do a couple of the crafts I have been planning on doing with the boys. First was the weather wheel in hopes that once complete it will assist the boys in knowing what to wear or if they need a jacket plus it was cute. The original is from another blog and I am sorry but I cannot give credit b/c for the life of me I cannot find that blog where I thought it was. Thanks for the idea anyway! Originally it was on a paper plate with paper suns and snowflakes but I wanted something that could possibly last longer....with my boys and dogs that is a must! I went to Hobby Lobby bought a wooden circle, a wooden snowflake and cactus w/ sun. I think it totaled under two dollars...the supplies definitely NOT the trip to Hobby Lobby!! You don't know me AT ALL if you think I left Hobby Lobby for under two dollars!!

First, we painted the entire piece blue. I used ribbon to divide the wheel into four sections and simply placed a large button in the center. Next we glued on the wood cactus and snowflake after embellishing the snowflake with some glitter glue. We glued on a cotton ball for a cloud and I am still wondering what I am going to use to signify wind. I used stickers I had for scrapbooking for the "getting wet" rain section then again embellished with glitter glue. I still need to get a clothespin and attach an arrow of some sort to tell what the weather will be like that day but then it is done!

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